打爆指定地点附近的一辆坦克,打油箱盖子,或者到一栋一楼没被摧毁的2楼 上面有个火箭筒,用它来炸坦克,将坦克打爆后把指定地点附近的所有敌人消灭。
提高击杀效率的攻略是有的因为在sniper elite4中,玩家需要通过射击来完成任务,射击技巧的好坏直接影响游戏体验。
1. "Lyuda" Sniper Rifle – Drops from the final boss of the game, Tyreen the Destroyer. This weapon deals high critical-hit damage.
2. "Shredded Bangstick" Shotgun – Drops from the Rampager boss in the Forgotten Basilica. This shotgun deals high damage in close-quarters combat.
3. "Rowan's Call" Assault Rifle – Drops from the boss Road Dog in The Splinterlands. This weapon deals high damage and ricochets bullets to other targets.
4. "Hellwalker" Shotgun – Drops from the boss Agonizer 9000 in the Guts of Carnivora. This weapon deals high damage and has a fast fire rate.
5. "Maggie" Pistol – Drops from the boss Tremendous Rex in the Cistern of Slaughter. This weapon deals high damage and has a fast fire rate.
6. "Handsome Jackhammer" SMG – Drops from the boss Handsome Jackie from the DLC Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. This weapon has a shield, deals high damage, and when reloaded, throws the weapon as a grenade.
7. "The Lob" Shotgun – Can be purchased from Crazy Earl's Reroll Machine in Sanctuary. This weapon shoots explosive projectiles that deal high damage.
8. "King's Call" Pistol – Drops from the boss Tyreen the Destroyer. This weapon deals high critical hit damage and returns ammo to the magazine on critical hits.
9. "Night Hawkin" SMG – Drops from the boss Borman Nates in the Meridian Outskirts. This weapon deals high damage and changes its element depending on the time of day in-game.
10. "Lucian's Call" Assault Rifle – Drops from the boss Mouthpiece in the Holy Broadcast Center. This weapon deals high damage and returns ammo to the magazine on critical hits.
11. "Redistributor" SMG – Drops from the boss Wotan the Invincible in the Maliwan Takedown mission. This weapon deals high shock damage and chains to nearby enemies.
12. "Scourge" Rocket Launcher – Drops from the boss Katagawa Ball in the Space-Laser Tag mission. This weapon shoots mini-rocket projectiles that deal high splash damage.
13. "Flakker" Shotgun – Can be purchased from the Torgue vending machines in the DLC Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. This weapon shoots multiple explosive projectiles that deal high damage.
14. "Laser-Sploder" Assault Rifle – Drops from the boss Katagawa Jr. in the Atlas, At Last mission. This weapon deals high damage and shoots laser beams that split into explosions.
15. "Sickle" Assault Rifle – Drops from the boss Pain and Terror in the Blood Drive mission. This weapon shoots multiple projectiles that deal high damage and ricochet off surfaces.

《Sniper Elite 4》是一款第三人称射击游戏,以下是一些基本的玩法指南:
1. 游戏目标:在游戏中,您将扮演一名狙击手,需要完成各种任务和目标。这可能包括暗杀敌人、摧毁设施、搜集情报等侠客齐丽攻略时间。
2. 狙击技巧:游戏的核心是狙击技巧。您需要学会使用狙击枪,调整瞄准镜的放大倍数,考虑风向和重力等因素,以精确射击敌人。尽量选择隐蔽的位置,利用环境进行掩护,提高自己的生存能力。
3. 隐蔽行动:在游戏中,隐蔽行动非常重要。您可以使用草丛、建筑物和地形等进行掩护,避免被敌人发现。同时,注意敌人的巡逻路线和警戒状态,选择合适的时机进行行动。
4. 利用环境:游戏中的环境是您的朋友。您可以利用爆炸物、陷阱和可破坏的物体等来制造混乱和分散敌人的注意力。同时,也可以利用环境中的高处和掩体来获取更好的射击位置。
5. 多样化的武器和装备:游戏中提供了多种武器和装备供您选择,包括手枪、步枪、炸弹等。根据任务需求和个人喜好,选择适合的装备来完成任务。
6. 多人合作模式:除了单人模式,游戏还提供了多人合作模式,您可以与其他玩家组队完成任务,共同挑战游戏中的敌人。
以上是《Sniper Elite 4》的一些基本玩法指南,希望对您有所帮助。祝您游戏愉快!