1. 下载安装Look直播APP:在手机应用商店搜索并下载安装Look直播APP。
2. 注册或登录账号:打开Look直播APP,注册一个新账号或使用现有的账号登录。
3. 查看活动公告:在Look直播APP首页或活动页面查看相关的进场座驾活动公告。进入活动页面后,可以查看座驾奖励的条件和规则。
4. 达成活动条件:按照活动公告中的要求,进行相应的活动任务,例如观看直播、分享直播、发送礼物等。完成要求后,将能够获得座驾奖励。
5. 领取进场座驾:当达成活动条件并获得座驾奖励后,可以在Look直播APP的个人中心或礼物管理页面查找并领取座驾。
look1 look2是什么意思
1 ,look
Look,It’s a forg.
Look,he is drawing a picture.
Look out!There is a hole before you.
look at 看向
look to 指望 展望
look back 回忆 回顾
look after 照料 打理
look into 考察 研究
look up 检查 拜访
look on 旁观
look around 四处转转
2 ,see
I can see a man standing beside the lake.
What can you see?
3 ,watch
He watches the children playing football on the beach.他看着孩子们在沙滩上踢足球。
I watched TV yesterday .我昨天看电视了。
quick escape2攻略
W- 前进
S- 往后退
A- 向左移动
D- 向右移
Spacebar- 跳
X- 俯卧,再按一次返回上一个姿势
C- 克劳奇
Left Shift- 冲刺/保持呼吸
Q- 快速向左倾斜
E- 快速向右倾斜
V- 采取近战武器
2xV- 快速近战攻击
1- 拿二级武器
2- 拿主要武器1
3- 拿主要武器2
4/5/6/7/8/9- 使用Quickbar Slot 1/2/3/4/5/6
Mousewheel up- 提高移动速度
Mousewheel down- 降低移动速度
Caps Lock- 步行/更改移动速度至最小值,再按一次返回上一速度
Left Mouse Button- 消防武器
Right Mouse Button- 瞄准武器
Middle Mouse Button- 免费看,检查(界面),检查杂志(界面)
R- 正常重新加载
2xR- Toss杂志在地面上进行快速重新加载
H- 切换Underbarrel榴弹发射器
B- 改变武器射击模式
Tab- 打开/关闭库存
T- 切换战术附件
N- 切换NVG / Face Shield
G- 投掷手榴弹
F- 相互作用
Page Up- 增加视线调零
Page Down- 减少视线调零
L- 检查武器
O- 检查突袭时间
2xO- 检查Raid退出
2xY- 通讯菜单(Right Mouse Button在手势/语音线上打开热键,Left Mouse Button分配一个)
F1- Mumble,Hotst for Gestures / Voice line
Escape- 打开游戏菜单/关闭上次打开的库存窗口
Print Screen- 截取(C:\ Users \ YOUR_NAME \ Documents \ Escape from Tarkov \ Screenshots)
Delete光标在项目上时按- 放弃项目
R拖动项目时按- 旋转项目
1.阴历: lunar calendar
2.阳历: solar calendar
3.春节: the Spring Festival
4.除夕: Chinese New Year’s Eve
5.清明节: Tomb Sweeping Day
6.重阳节: the Double Ninth Festival
7.腊八节: the Laba Festival
8.元宵节: the Lantern Festival
9.劳动节: International Labour Day
10. 中秋节: the Mid-Autumn Festival
11. 端午节: the Dragon Boat Festival
12. 乞巧节(七夕节): Double-Seventh Day
13. 法定节日: legal/statutory holiday
14. 春联: Spring Festival couplets; Lunar New Year couplets
15. 年画:Spring Festival picture; New Year picture
16. 剪纸:paper-cut; scissor-cut
17. 红包: red packet
18. 舞狮:lion dance
19. 舞龙: dragon dance
20. 灯笼: lantern
21. 灯谜: riddles written on a lantern
22.灯会:lantern show/festival
23. 压岁钱:lucky money
24. 祭祖宗:offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors
25. 元宵:sweet dumplings
26. 踩高跷:walk on stilts
27. 扫墓:sweep a grave-pay tribute to a dead person at his tomb
28. 扭秧歌:do the yangge dance
29. 赛龙舟:dragon boat race
30. 月饼: moon cake
31. 赏月:appreciate the glorious full moon; enjoy a bright full moon
32. 毛笔:Chinese writing brush
33. 书法:calligraphy
34. 楷体:formal/regular script
35. 行书:running script/hand
36. 风水:geomantic omen
37. 闰年:leap/intercalary year
38. 十二生肖:Chinese zodiac
39. 庙会:fair; temple fair
40. 放爆竹:let/set off firecrackers
41. 守岁:stay up later or all night on the New Year’s Eve
42. 拜年:pay a New Year visit
43. 团圆饭:family reunion dinner
44. 京剧:Peking opera; Beijing opera
45. 秦腔:Shaanxi opera
46. 功夫:kung fu
47. 太极:Tai Chi
48. 口技ventriloquism; vocal mimicry/ imitation
49. 木偶戏:puppet show
50. 皮影戏:shadow play
51. 折子戏:highlights from operas
52. 杂技:acrobatics
53. 相声:comic dialogue; crosstalk
54. 刺绣:embroidery
55. 苏绣:Suzhou embroidery
56. 泥人:clay figure
57. 中国画:traditional Chinese painting
58. 水墨画:wash painting
59. 中国结:traditional Chinese knot
60. 中国古代四大发明:the four great inventions of ancient China
61. 火药:gunpowder
62. 印刷术:printing
63. 造纸术:paper making technology
64. 指南针:compass
65. 青铜器:bronze ware
66. 瓷器:porcelain; china(ware)
67. 唐三彩:tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty; Tang tri-colour
68. 景泰蓝:cloisonne
69. 秋千:swing
70. 武术:martial arts
71. 旗袍:cheongsam
72. 中山装:Chinese tunic suit
73. 唐装:Tang suit; attire of traditional Chinese style
74. 儒家思想:Confucianism
75. 儒家文化:Confucian culture
76. 道教:Taoism
77. 墨家:Mohist school
78. 法家:Legalist school
79. 佛教:Buddhism
80. 孔子:Confucius
81. 孟子:Mencius
82. 老子:Lao Tzu
83. 庄子:Chuang Tzu
84. 孙子:Sun Tzu
85. 墨子:Mo Tzu
86. 象形文字:pictographic characters; pictograph
87. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):four treasures of the study (writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper)
88. 《大学》:The Great Learning
89. 《中庸》:The Doctrine of the Mean
90. 《论语》:The Analects of Confucius
91. 《孟子》:The Mencius
92. 《孙子兵法》:The Art of War
93. 《三国演义》:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
94. 《西游记》:Journey to the West
95. 《红楼梦》:A Dream in Red Mansions
96. 《水浒传》:Water Margin
97. 《山海经》:The Classic of Mountains and Rivers
98. 《资治通鉴》:History as a Mirror
99. 《春秋》:The Spring and Autumn Annals
100. 《史记》:Historical Records
101. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs
102. 《易经》:The Book of Changes
103. 《礼记》:The Book of Rites
104. 《三字经》:Three-Character Scriptures延禧攻略出手机
105. 八股文:eight-part essay
106. 五言绝句:pentasyllabic quatrain
107. 七言律诗:heptasyllabic regulated verse
108. 山东菜:Shandong cuisine
109. 川菜:Sichuan cuisine
110. 粤菜:Cantonese cuisine
111. 扬州菜:Yangzhou cuisine
112. 年糕:New Year cake
113. 油条:deep-fried twisted dough sticks
114. 豆浆:soya milk
115. 馒头:steamed bun
116. 花卷:steamed twisted roll
117. 包子:steamed stuffed bun
118. 北京烤鸭:roast Beijing duck
119. 拉面:hand-stretched noodles
120. 馄饨:wonton
121. 豆腐:tofu
122. 麻花:fried dough twist
123. 烧饼:sesame seed cake
124. 皮蛋:preserved duck egg
125. 蛋炒饭:rice fried with eggs
126. 糖葫芦:sugar-coated haws on a stick
127. 火锅:hotpot
128. 长城:the Great Wall
129. 烽火台:beacon tower
130. 秦始皇陵:Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor
131. 兵马俑:Terracotta Army
132. 大雁塔:Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
133. 丝绸之路:the Silk Road
134. 莫高窟:Mogao Grottoes
135. 华清池:Huaqing Hot Spring
136. 五台山:Mount Wutai
137. 九华山:Mount Jiuhua
138. 峨眉山:Mount Emei
139. 泰山:Mount Tai
140. 黄山:Mount Huang
141. 故宫:the Imperial Palace
142. 天坛:the Temple of Heaven
143. 午门:the Meridian Gate
144. 大运河:the Grand Canal
145. 护城河:city moat
146. 回音壁:the Echo Wall
147. 居庸关:Juyongguan Pass
148. 九龙壁:the Nine Dragon Wall攻略游戏2020
149. 黄帝陵:the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor
150. 苏州园林:Suzhou garden
151. 西湖:West Lake
152. 九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley
153. 日月潭:Riyuetan Lake; Sun Moon Lake
154. 布达拉宫:Potala Palace
155. 鼓楼:drum tower
156. 四合院:quadrangle dwelling
157. 孔庙:Confucian temple
158. 乐山大佛:Leshan Giant Buddha
159. 十八罗汉:the eighteen arhats
160. 喇嘛:Lama
161.绿茶:green tea
162.红茶:black tea
1. 新思想:new thought
2. 新常态:new normal
3. 新增长目标:new growth target
4. 新反腐模式:new anti-corruption model
5. 民生:people’s livelihood
6. 扶贫:poverty alleviation
7. 国防:national defense
8. 改革开放40周年:40 years of reform and opening up
9. 中国梦:the Chinese Dream
10. 人类命运