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brain on dot攻略,breathedge攻略


韩国组合 NO.1、日文部分+假名+中文忘记 伤痛的生命线:我已没痛了 受伤也没关系了 在世界被击垮之前 世界的“黑天鹅”与“大杀猪盘” 我的痛苦与哀嚎(含泪的天空) ――读懂《中国梦网》第2期(全文) Myagric:一彻骨的疼痛 我的脑中不断的回响 我仍将带着伤痕继续前行 像傻瓜一样



NO.1、brown eyed girls是韩国组合 不应该说用平假名注释



忘(わす)れてしまえばいいよ 感(かん)じなくなっちゃえばいい

brain on dot攻略,breathedge攻略

忘记吧(也没有关系) 失去感觉吧(也没有关系)

wa su re te shi ma e ba i i yo kan ji na ku naccha e ba i i yo



su ri mu i ta ko ko ro ni fu ta wo shi tan da

伤(きず)ついたって平気(へいき)だよ もう痛(いた)みは无(む)いからね

受伤也没关系哦 因为已没有了伤痛

ki zu tsu i tatte heiki da yo mou i ta mi wa nai ka ra ne



so no a shi wo hi ki zu ri na ga ra mo



mi u shi natte ji bun ji shin ga



o to wo ta te te ku zu re te itta



ki zu ke ba ka ze no o to da ke ga

伝(つた)えに来(き)たよ 伤迹(きずあと)を辿(たど)って

传达到了哦 经历伤痛

tsu ta e ni ki da yo ki zu a to wo ta dotte



se kai ni o shi tsu bu sa re te shi ma u ma e ni

覚(おぼ)えてるかな 涙(なみだ)の空(そら)を

还记得吗 眼泪的天空

o bo e te ru ka na na mi da no so ra wo



a no i ta mi ga ki mi no ko to wo ma motte ku ra ta



so no i ta mi ga i tsu mo ki mi wo ma motte run da


I realize the screaming pain


Hearing loud in my brain


But I’m going straight ahead with the scar



숨이 가파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

不能呼吸 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

맘이 아파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

心很痛 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

시간은 또 Tic Toc 흘러만 가 Tic Toc

时间在Tic Toc 流逝着Tic Toc

들리니 내 Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

你能听到我的Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

dot dot dot dot dot 마지못해서라도

dot dot dot dot dot 即使不得已也

dot dot dot dot dot 나를 한 번 봐 봐

dot dot dot dot dot 试着看看我吧

환했던 나를 봐 이렇게 나 변해가

看着明亮的我 这样的我在改变

아무 말 못하고 dot dot dot dot dot

什么话也说不出dot dot dot dot dot

It’s me 바보같이 눈물만 펑펑펑 흘리는 나야

It’s me 像傻瓜一样 流着泪的我

난 all day and all night

我all day and all night

어두운 방안에 있기만 해 나 all right

我一直都在黑暗的房间里 all right

아무리 말해도 내 맘을 왜 몰라

无论怎么说 为什么不懂我的心

일분 일초의 순간순간이 나의 가슴을 조여와

一分一秒 每个瞬间 都捆紧我的心

스르륵 감기는 나의 두 눈이

无奈地 慢慢地闭上双眼

주르륵 흘리는 나의 눈물이

哗啦啦 我的眼泪流了出来

이대로 끝이란게 두려워 난 모든게

这样全都结束 我害怕怎么办

이런 날 구해줘 제발

快救救我吧 求你

숨이 가파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

不能呼吸 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

맘이 아파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

心很痛 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

시간은 또 Tic Toc 흘러만 가 Tic Toc

时间在Tic Toc 流逝着Tic Toc

들리니 내 Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

你能听到我的Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

dot dot dot dot dot 못한 말은 많은데

dot dot dot dot dot 我有很多没能说的话

dot dot dot dot dot 제발 들어 봐 봐

dot dot dot dot dot 拜托你试着听一听

이렇게 나를 봐 모르는 척 하지마


모든걸 잃은 날 dot dot dot dot dot

我失去了一切dot dot dot dot dot

그댄 이제는 아나요 내 맘


수천번 고백했네 난


너를 향한 사랑의sign


Did you get my sign? sign?

니가 있어야 일어 일어 나 나


니가 없어 시름시름 앓아


외면하지 마요 날


want you by my side, side

파르르 떨리는 나의 입술이

哆哆嗦嗦 我的嘴唇在颤抖

하루를 버티지 못할 심장이


이대로 멈추는게 두려워 나 모든게

这样全都停止 我害怕怎么办

이런 날 구해줘 제발

快救救我 求你

숨이 가파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

不能呼吸 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

맘이 아파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

心很痛 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

시간은 또 Tic Toc 흘러만 가 Tic Toc

时间在Tic Toc 流逝着Tic Toc

들리니 내 Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

你能听到我的Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

내안에 니가 또 차오른다


숨을 꼭 참고 널 참아본다


널 보내면 무너질 날 알잖아 제발

你明白若离开你我会崩溃 求你

숨이 가파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

不能呼吸 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

맘이 아파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

/心很痛 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

시간은 또 Tic Toc 흘러만 가 Tic Toc

时间在Tic Toc 流逝着Tic Toc

들리니 내 Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

你能听到我的Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

숨이 가파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

不能呼吸 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

맘이 아파 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

心很痛 Mayday, dot dot dot dot dot

시간은 또 Tic Toc 흘러만 가 Tic Toc

时间在Tic Toc 流逝着Tic Toc

들리니 내 Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot

你能听到我的Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot








8.到氧气站后,出门向右上方向,绕过大陨石有个大碎片,里面有大集装箱,打碎可以解锁箱子,(不用再扔地上了) 一共可那俩,75够打碎两个的,记得多准备一把斧子。


象征光明和希望的词有:晨曦、太阳、拨云见日。形容光明与希望的成语【成语】: 旭日东升【拼音】: xù rì dōng shēng【解释】: 旭日:初升的太阳。早上太阳从东方升起凤栖于梧游戏攻略。形容朝气蓬勃的气象。也比喻艰苦的岁月已过去,美好的日子刚刚来到。【出处】: 《诗经·邶风·匏有苦叶》:“旭日始旦。”

【成语】: 拨云睹日 【拼音】: bō yún dǔ rì【解释】: 拨开云彩看见太阳。形容受到启发,思想豁然开朗,或比喻见到光明,大有希望。同“拨云见日”。


vt. 检查;调查; 检测;考试

vi. 检查;调查


The doctor examined him and found that he had a malignant tumor in his brain.



examine and approve审批

examine and verify审核;审计


n. 测验,考查;测试;检验;化验

v. 测验;化验,检查;试验,测试;考验


I will announce the passing list of this class test later.



test data测试数据;检查数据

test result试验结果

test method检测方法,检测方法


这个英文的意思是戈多雪落京都养成攻略。 例句:There is a touch of satire within the joke, because in Beckett’s notorious play, Godot is a mysterious figure who never shows up!可是这个笑话里有一丝潜藏的讽刺,因为在贝克特的这部著名的戏剧里,戈多是一个神秘的人物,而且根本就没有出场!

希望我不在你身边的时候都能照顾好自己快乐充实的 生活 有一个明亮的未来 这是我们暂时分别的意义.

I hope I can take good care of myself when I am not around you, live a happy and fulfilling life and have a bright future. This is the meaning of our temporary separation.

在我这里永远给你留个位置你永远是首选希望再 见面时 都是更好的自己.

I’ll always leave a place for you You’ll always be the first choice Hope we’ll be better when we meet again.


You are more than a hundred acquaintances.

说起来也奇怪 莫名就遇见了 莫名就玩到一起 莫名 的还有相同的爱好 莫名的一下过了好几年.

It is strange to say that inexplicably met inexplicably played together inexplicably also have the same hobbies inexplicably after several years.

想和你做彼此心事的靠山 想和你永远好奇又贪玩 原 来友情真的可以一个像夏天 一个像秋天 陪伴彼此走 过一年又一年.

I want to be the backer of each other’s heart with you. I want to be curious and playful with you forever. Friendship can really accompany each other year after year like a summer like a fall.

很庆幸能陪你走过这样一段路 以后不管你是才华横溢还是泯然众人 我都记得在这个几个春夏到秋冬 我们一起见证了认为前路有光的日子祝你一帆风顺 有幸遇见你.

I am so glad to be able to accompany you through such a road. No matter you are brilliant or you are not, I still remember that we have witnessed the bright days in the past few spring, summer, autumn and winter. I wish you smooth sailing and I have the honor to meet you.

电影会落幕 我们照样落幕 是像电影中美好的大结局一样 我们经历种种 最后幸福走下去的落幕.

The end of the movie will be the end of the movie we will be the end of the movie is like a wonderful ending we go through all the final happiness of the end.

没什么好炫耀的 今年是你 明年 是你 年年是你.

There’s nothing to brag about. It’s you this year. It’s you next year.


Side by side may last longer than hand by hand.

与你分享过的青春 不比初恋少半分.

The youth that I have shared with you is not less than my first love.

繁华落幕 我陪你日落流年.

The prosperous end of the sunset I accompany you.

我们的关系就是 新郎未知 伴娘已定.

Our relationship is that the groom is unknown and the bridesmaid is decided.

我们看似如胶似漆 好像又平淡无奇.

We seem so connected and so bland.

与你分享过的青春 不比初恋少半分.

The youth that I have shared with you is not less than my first love.

当两个有趣的灵魂碰撞一起 那便是友情开始的瞬间.

Friendship begins when two interesting souls meet.

我要陪你一年又一年 十年又十年.

I will accompany you for years and years and years.

繁华落幕 我陪你落日流年.

The prosperous end of the sunset I accompany you.

我们不是冬日限定 是来日方长.

We are not limited to the winter is the days ahead.

brain on dot攻略,breathedge攻略

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