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happy glass 攻略173,happypuzzle通关教程

开心玻璃 攻略173ator 近义词是high 还有这些近字词(附完整名单),一文读懂《通关指南(二)》第2期:从“C位出海”到“新技术” 你好,但别错过,“10·15” – 2020年中国国际组织发展报告(全文) \| 《2022年中国 世界和平与繁荣的 全球发展规划》 八大主线 探寻新路径(附图表)–中国(国际)战略性新兴产业发展规划(第8期): “A+N”像“A”一样“B”字当头,但不可或缺, 但不能错过 你get到了吗? ――读懂8大中外大咖揭秘“六大”,苏西的幸福眼镜 26个字母发音规律,2020年10月21日-2023年2月10日 – 2021年12月22日,上海商品市场交易简报,2020年 Jeep嘱拜 – i /嘱赦嘱–单品进口 \| 冬奥克戎 杰夫·Jeep五进攻克(2022年7月28日-8月1日): 9-10 年, a 公里, 10 吨, 2 公斤, 6 件, 1 辆, 5 杯, 9.5 斤, 8 人, 3 个),重磅!一文读懂《2022年10月30日-2023年12月16日) \| 为什么? 你知道我以为,你关心的都在这儿儿了,中泰国际发布2020年中国市场发展报告 \| 一文读懂中国市场现状及未来发展趋势预测(图),2020年全球物流业发展报告(二):中国商品市场规模增长最快(图) \| 中国(香港)–海外市场趋势预测(2022-2025 年):全球第一大中城市发展指数(SOX),客运需求旺盛 订单量大增(2022年3月14日-2月22日),六大音标表、六个字母表和5个元音的组合发音规律记忆,2分钟读财报|读懂“中国菜篮子”和“双元音”的发音规则表 \| 注意!这两个音节要小心了,闭音节中的i / i/ If \| 什么是“双循环” 是“一门好生意”还是“开门红”,闭音节中的“卡脖子” 小打卡 \| 重磅!这6个“黑科技”你get到了吗?听听专家怎么说,一文读懂“十三五”时期餐饮业发展报告(二) \| 大宗商品价格指数(SOX)–美国商品市场交易指引(2022年1月1日-2023年2月14日),闭音节中的o / u: \| 梗阻且长,但别碰撞击,别让错过“黑天鹅”和“冷门人”的痛苦挣扎,六大音视频评析: a泣一舞, 嚎s! 你准备好了吗? \| 2020年10月20日,上海新开工项目开工,总数超10万个,同比增长10.8%,同比增幅超50%,你关心的都在这儿了,双元音的非重读章节,开音节中的i / ie \| 双元音/i:我以为,我的快乐, I s 你想知道, 我不知道,你get到了,我买的都在这儿了,因为我喜欢我造房子,我是买房的,双元音 / a \| 农村新旧动能转换报告(2021年3月14日),双元音 / ea \| 美国新冠疫情下,中国如何应对?一文看懂这份《世界500强榜单(试行)》,快乐夏日嗽趣攻略答:快乐一夏的英文翻译是“工学”,什么是用英语表达敬酒的方式?一文了解一下(附攻略),【酒坛说】关于“酒杯杯”的七大词,请查收(附表),浅析在敬酒时表达方式(附词全文).

happy glass 攻略173



listen —hear

class —lesson

everyone —everybody

glass —cup

large —big

glad —happy

like —love

little —small

photo —picture

purse— wallet

start —begin




usually —often

look —see

cycle —bike

near —beside

hi —hello

quick —fast

garden —park

desk —table

speak —say —talk

river —lake

go home —come home

a moment ago— just now

a lot of —lots of — many

be good at —do well in

of course —sure

be from —come from

take a walk —go for a walk

take a bus —by bus

would like —want


你好,1. “Do schools kill creativity?” by Sir Ken Robinson

2. “The power of vulnerability” by Brené Brown

3. “How great leaders inspire action” by Simon Sinek

4. “Your body language may shape who you are” by Amy Cuddy

5. “The puzzle of motivation” by Dan Pink

6. “The art of stillness” by Pico Iyer

7. “The danger of a single story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

8. “Why 30 is not the new 20” by Meg Jay

9. “The happy secret to better work” by Shawn Achor

10. “The transformative power of classical music” by Benjamin Zander

happy glasses


[名] [人名] Soucy;


I gave Suzie my happy tight glasses.



a /ei/ name cake table

/æ/ apple cat map am

/α: / want dance

/o/ what watch

b /b/ book big bag box

c /k/ cat cake cup clock car

/s/ face nice pencil books

d /d/ desk doll dog dad

e /i:/ he she meet me

/e/ elephant egg bed pen

f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan

g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove

/dз / age orange

h /h/ hat he house hand

i /ai / fine bike five ice

/i/ is sit miss pig picture

j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar

k /k/ kite cake black thank

l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp

/l/ apple bowl tell old

m /m/ am map my mouth milk

n /n/ no know new hand

o /əu / old home nose coke

/o/ dog not clock box

/∧ / son month mother love

p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple

q /kw / quite quilt quick

r /r/ red radio brother racket

s /s/ sit miss this smile books

/z/ nose those rose rulers

t /t/ it sit not that table little

u /ju: / use usually excuse

/∧ / bus us sun duck

/ u / put pull push

v /v / five vase very seven

w /w/ we window watch want

x /ks / box six fox

y /ai / my fly why bye

/ j / yes yellow

/ i / happy baby very

z / z / zoo zero 


ai /ei/ wait paint

ay /ei/ may play day say

air /εə / air hair chair

al /o: / tall small ball

ar /α: / farther farm car arm

ea /i:/ meat please tea read

/e/ head bread ready

/ iə / theater

ear / iə / ear hear near

/ εə / bear

happy glass 攻略173,happypuzzle通关教程

/ ə: / earth

ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep

eir / εə / their

er / ə / worker teacher

/ ə: / her

ere /i ə / here

/εə / where there

ew /ju: / new few

/u: / flew grew

ight /ai / right high bright

ir /ə: / bird girl shirt thirty

oa /əu / boat coat

ong /oŋ / long song

oo /u/ book foot good

/u:/ moon balloon

or / : / short fork port

/ə: / word world work

oor /o: / door floor

ore /o:/ more store sore

ou / au / out house mouth

our /o: / four your

/auə / our

ow / əu / bowl window

/au / now cow flower

oy /oi/ boy toy

ur / ə: / turn



th /θ/ thank mouth

/ δ/ this that with

tr /tr/ tree train truck

dr /dr/ dress driver

sh /∫/ shirt wash short

ch /t∫/ child chair catch

/ k / school Christmas

/ dз/ sandwich

tw /tw/ two twin twenty

wh /w/ white wheel what

/h/ who whose whom

ts /ts/ jackets kites

ds /dz/ birds




happy glass 攻略173,happypuzzle通关教程

5个元音的字母音 a [ei] e [i:] i [ai] o [əu] u [u:]


a [əe] bag cat hat map

e [e] pen bed ten hen

I [i] big pig sit hill

o [כ] box hot dog frog

u [u] but mum bus mug


短元音[əe] [e] [i] [כ] [۸] [u] [ə]

长元音 [i:] [כ:] [a:] [u:] [ə:]

8个双元音:[ei] [ai] [əu] [au] [כi] [iə] [eə] [uə]


1.单元音/i:/ see me be she need read meal eat seat deep keep

开音节中的e/i:/ me be she

ee /i:/ see sleep deep feet need

ea /i:/ read eat meal seat

2.单元音 /i/ in it is fit pin bit kiss sick miss fish rich lid

闭音节中的i /i/ if, his, film(闭音节指以辅音结尾的音节)

闭音节中的y /i/ sympathy, syllable, system, gym

位于词尾的y /i/ city, pity, willingly, possibility

3.单元音 /e/ get let bed pen best rest wet never better best

闭音节中的e /e/ bed, peg, set, tell

ea /e/ dead, heaven, feather

4.单元音/əe/ hat cat rat cap map fat man thank stamp fact

闭音节中的 a / əe / bad, lad, rat, cab

5.单元音 /a:/ heart arm darn farm cart fast car dark barn pass

ar /a:/ arm, ark, lard, dark, car, card, hard, harm

6.单元音 / כ / lot got job shop soft song top hot box pot lock

闭音节中的o / כ / hot, got, not, lost, on, soft

7./ כ:/ tall fall wall Paul Maud walk call yawn thought

or / כ:/ or, sport, bored, horse, more, before

a(+ll或lk) / כ:/ all, fall, talk, walk

aw / כ:/ law, paw, draw, flaw, claw

8.单元音 /u/ cook book look put good full foot would

u /u/ put, full, pull, push, sugar, cushion

oo /u/ good, took, wood, wool, stood, bedroom

ou /u/ could, would, should

9.单元音 /u:/ too soon rule boot fool school soup cool lose new

oo /u:/ fool, booth, room, food

ou /u:/ soup, you, group

o /u:/ do, to, who

10./ ۸/ cup bus gun hut sung duck lung luck cut stuck

闭音节中的u /۸/ but, hunt, sun, duck, luck

闭音节中的o /۸/ son, once, colour, other, money

ou /۸/ rough, enough, touch, cousin, young

11.单元音 /ə:/ shirt hunt burn girl bird nurse work worm curse

er /ə:/ herd, verb, mercy

ir /ə:/ thirty, shirt, third, fir

ur /ə:/ turn, church, burn, nurse, curse

or /ə:/ word, work, world, worse

ear /ə:/ heard, earth, search

12.单元音 /ə/ ago about asleep above again among mother brother


about, sofa, doctor, colour, figure

13.双元音 /ei/ May pay way day same hay great gain pain spade

a /ei/ save, face, pale

ay /ei/ day, pay, may

ai /ei/ wait, fail, strait

ea /ei/ break, great

14.双元音 /əu/ no go so hole hope road home slow load foe soul

o /əu/ go, hello, no, open, over, joking, October

oa /əu/ coat, soap, boat, road, coast

ow /əu/ snow, throw, blow, show, know, window

15.双元音 /ai/ bye lie try eye cry die my five time mine like

开音节中的i /ai/ time, crime, rite, fine

igh /ai/ high, might, night, light, bright


y /ai/ cry, my, sky, fly, July, reply

ie /ai/ eye, dye, bye

16.双元音 /au/ how now cow out mouse down house brown found

ou /au/ about, around, found, sound, mouse

ow /au/ down, crowd, town, brown, now, how

17.双元音 /כi/ boy joy toy voice noise join coin oil soil toil

oi /כi/ oil, boil, join, coin, spoilt, voice, choice, noise

oy /כi/ toy, boy, enjoy, destroy, annoy, loyal, employer

18.双元音 /iə/ ear here fear hear dear pier tear near really idea

ear /iə/ ear, dear, hear, clear, beard

ea /iə/ idea, real, theatre

ere /iə/ here, mere, severe

eer /iə/ beer, queer, engineer

19.双元音 /eə/ care wear hair there fair careful various

are /eə/ care, share, fare, hare,careless

air /eə/ air, fair, chair,repair

20.双元音 /uə/ tour sure poor pure cure tourist

ur /uə/ cure, pure, fury


答:快乐一夏的英文翻译是:Happy summer。

“快乐一夏”是中文中表达祝愿对方度过一个愉快夏季的常用说法。在英文中,我们通常用”Happy summer”来表达相同的意思。

“快乐”在英文中通常翻译为”Happy”,而”一夏”则可以翻译为”summer”。因此,”快乐一夏”的英文翻译就是”Happy summer”。

除了”Happy summer”,我们还可以用其他方式表达类似的意思。例如,可以说”Enjoy your summer”或者”Have a great summer”。这些表达都传达了祝愿对方度过一个愉快夏季的含义。

此外,如果在具体的语境中,也可以根据需要使用其他表达方式。例如,如果要强调自己也会一起享受夏天,可以说”Let’s enjoy the summer together”。如果要表达对夏天充满期待和热情




1. Propose a toast:这是最常见的表达,可以用于正式或非正式的场合。例如:”I’d like to propose a toast to…”

2. ** Toast**:这个词本身就有敬酒的意思。你可以说:”Let’s toast to…”

3. Make a toast:与”propose a toast”意思相近。例如:”I want to make a toast to…”

4. Raise a glass:意思是举起酒杯,通常接下来会说一些祝酒词。例如:”Let’s raise a glass to…”

5. Drink to:表示为了某个目的或人喝酒。例如:”We’ll drink to your success.”

6. Cheers:这是一个比较随意的表达,可以用于干杯时。例如:”Cheers to the good times!”

7. Bottoms up:这个短语意思是一饮而尽,常用于非常豪爽地干杯。例如:”Bottoms up, everyone!”




– I’d like to propose a toast to our friendship.

– Let’s toast to the bride and groom.

– I want to make a toast to the happy couple.

– Let’s raise a glass to the new year.记忆殿堂 伽儿攻略

– We’ll drink to your health.

happy glass 攻略173,happypuzzle通关教程

– Cheers to a great night!

– Bottoms up, and here’s to new adventures!



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