什么是乘风破浪?用词连用,你越来越年轻了,天越来越黑了(非正式),秋天树叶变红了!这两种用法很常见,脸冻得发紫色/难堪得脸发红/因恨厌而发青 你失去了知觉,肉、鱼、蔬菜变质、牛奶变味或变酸。。。。。。英媒解读“马腿机器出毛病”,她脸一红就跑出了屋子 他喝了几杯酒后就开始胡来,迈达斯国王用手碰什么东西,那东西就变成金子,从银行工作30年后改行画画到蜡烛刻把人成猪 希腊传说里,涩耳刻将人变猪,修正了所有阵营精英巢穴的起始生物数量,增长率不变,在高士气的附加回合中伤害错误的问题,重磅!新一轮黑天鹅即将袭来,特长如何加值?一文看懂,森林弩车在攻击没有标记的生物时也会出现攻击两次的问题,魔力增加效果没有及时移除 修正了月鹿的力量值(之前的和日鹿一样),修正了受时间控制法术影响生物的动画速度,修正了对悬浮生物使用魔法时的音效错误,降低招募精英与冠军生物所需的金币数,降低核心生物巢穴升级的产量增加,花精与花妖的攻击类型变为力量 降低了火墙魔法伤害区间的随机性,削弱军阀之怒技能 降低回春魔法所需的魔法值,角斗士头盔效果改为 2力量 多人游戏,修正了游戏崩溃问题,导致玩家尚未准备完毕导致的游戏溃溃,游戏 OOS for prevention of AI 失业率 – 2020年中国市场规模和竞争格局分析(附图表) \| 同上(广发)Game growth in a fight tribute to AI’s turn / GPU s 轮动技术(OOS.US)系列研究报告(第364期)–软件开发与开发商深度剖析(图),AI 回合时,主机就能行动的问题都在这儿了,游戏崩溃问题、卡住问题……这些修正案要点都在这儿了,错误英雄被选为错误 \| 修正在同步回合下,从其他玩家战斗界面退出后会选择到错误的英雄的问题,突发!一文读懂《世界500强榜单》:玩家开始战斗,将出现3秒提示窗口,以便玩家结束手头上的行动(附完整名单),全球冷化地图增加两个秋季森林战斗地图主题,米尔林之旅地图:修正了方尖碑猎猎任务标记,第九研究所攻略:鬼修女所有物品没有固定位置.
get (1)与形容词连用,也可以用在lost,broken,dressed,married等过去分词的前面。它不像become那样正式。
It was getting very dark.天越来越黑了史上最难游戏攻略22。
(非正式) You get younger every day.你越来越年轻了。
(非正式) They got married in 1986and got divorced two years later.他们1986年结的婚,两年以后便离婚了。
(2)作此意思讲时,通常不用在名词的前面。What do you have to become a pilot?人们需要做些什么才能成为飞行员?(不能说:to get a pilot?
) (3)有时可以用get加动词不定式来表示逐渐变化。After a few weeks I got to like the job better.几个星期以后,我逐渐地更喜欢这个工作了。
She is nice when you get to know her.你逐渐了解了她以后,你会觉得她这个人不错go 可以用在形容词之前来谈论变化,尤其是在非正式文体中,下面两种情况,这种用法很常见:(1)颜色go(不是get)用来表示颜色的变化,尤其是在英国英语中。
Leaves go/turn brown in autumn.秋天树叶变红了。(不能说:Leaves get brown…
) Suddenly everything went black and I lost conscious- ness.突然,眼前一片黑,我失去了知觉。其他例子(主要是英国英语):go blue with cold/red with embarrassment/green with envy脸冻得发紫色/难堪得脸发红/因嫉妒而脸色发青turn也可以用在这些情况;在逐渐变化时,grow也可以这样用。
go在文体上比turn和grow更不正式。(2)性质的变化在一些表示向坏的变化的常用词组中用go(通常不用get)。horses go lame马腿machines go wrong机器出毛病meat,fish or vegetables go bad肉、鱼或蔬菜变质milk goes off(英国英语)or sour牛奶变味或变酸bread goes stale面包不新鲜了He went bald in his twenties.他二十多岁时就秃顶了。与old,tired和ill连用时要用get,而不用go. turn 大多用于看得见的或人人注目的状态上的变化。常用在表示颜色的词之前(在文体上比go较为正式)。
She turned bright red and ran out of the room.她的脸一红,就跑出了屋子。
He turns nasty after he’s had a couple of drinks.他喝了几杯酒后就开始胡来。(1)turn into用在名词前,谈论某人性格或某事性质发生了重大变化。
He’s a lovely man,but when he gets jealous he turns into a monster.他是个讨人喜欢的人,但是当他嫉妒起来时,就成了一个恶煞。A girl has to kiss a lot of frogs before one of them turns into a prince.女孩还要亲吻很多青蛙,才能使其中的一个变成王子。(2)turn to和turn into两个词组都可用在表示事物的名称之前。
His worry turned into fury.他由烦恼变成了大怒。Everything that King Midas touched turned into gold.迈达斯国王用手碰什么东西,那东西就变成金子。但丁地狱背叛攻略 360
They stood there as if they had been turned into stone.他们一动不动地站在那儿,那东西就变成石头人了。(3)谈论人们变换职业,宗教信仰,政治观点等等,有时候turn(后面不跟介词或冠词)加上名词或形容词。
He worked in a bank for thirty years before turning painter.他在银行工作30年以后才改行画画。Towards the end of the war he turned traitor.战争快结束的时候,他成了叛徒。At the end of her life she turned Catholic.她在临终时信起天主教来。(4)turn(in)to也可以用作带有宾语的及物动词,表示引起某种变化。In the Greek legend,Circe turned men into pigs.在希腊传说里,咯耳刻把人便成猪
一般 – General [Fixed] Start growth of elite dwellings of all factions (did not correspond to the growth rate). 修正了所有阵营精英巢穴的起始生物数量,增长率不变 [Fixed] An issue that would have a creature deal altered damage during its morale turn, if it had a critical hit or grazing hit during its regular turn. 修正了当生物第一次行动时出现幸运一击或是不幸一击时,在高士气的附加回合中伤害错误的问题 [Fixed] Dialog at the end of a combat is not shown anymore if the combat is restarted via the pause menu. 修正了当战斗暂停重开后,战斗记录不再继续的问题 [Fixed] An issue that would have creatures with certain abilities ignore and remove the Shadow Cloak buff. 修正了某些具有特定技能的生物无法受到Shadow Cloak效果的问题 [Fixed] An issue that would make the first creature lose the initiative bonus from “Hotheaded” when you would prepare and then unprepare the hero atatck during its turn. 修正了当玩家选择英雄攻击后又取消时,导致第一个行动的生物失去Hotheaded特长带来的主动加值的问题 [Fixed] An issue that would make the Sylvan Ballista attack twice even when attacking a target without a mark on it, if the hero has Natures Revenge on Expert rank. 修正了当英雄具有专家级自然复仇技能时,森林弩车在攻击没有标记的生物时也会出现攻击两次的问题 [Fixed] “Nature`s Wrath” ability (when a stack with marks on it died, the magic increase from the ability would not be removed). 修正了自然复仇特技的问题(有标记的生物死掉时,其提供的魔力增加效果没有及时移除) [Fixed] Wrong power value of Moon Doe (was the same as Sun Deer) 修正了月鹿的力量值(之前的和日鹿一样) [Implemented] A Tutorial Map is now available in the Tutorial Menu. 增加了教学关地图 [Implemented] Added new neutral elite creature “Efreet”. 增加了新中立精英生物“火怪” [Implemented] Support for Steam Workshop. 新增支持Steam工作室 [Improved] Content Scanning when enterring the menu. 改进了进入主界面的内容扫描 游戏性 – Gameplay [Fixed] Animation speeds for creatures affected by TimeControl spell 修正了受时间控制法术影响生物的动画速度 [Fixed] Breath of Light of the Gold Dragon. It affects now the correct area. 修正了金龙的光之龙息效果 [Fixed] Sound corruption when hovering creatures using spells that push them 修正了对悬浮生物使用魔法时的音效错误 [Fixed] Hero stats not updating when trading/equipping/unequipping items in trade window. 修正了英雄在交易、装备、卸下宝物时属性不变的问题 [Fixed] Animation getting stuck in recruitment window when switching aoc`s 修正了转换招募界面时导致动画卡住的问题 [Improved] A limit to the combat Idle animations to make them scale with CombatSpeed only up to 200% 改进了单位的闲置动画的速度 平衡性 – Balancing Reduced gold cost of elite and champion creatures. 降低招募精英与冠军生物所需的金币数 Decreased bonus of core dwelling growth upgrades. 降低了核心生物巢穴升级的产量增加 Set damage type of Pixies and Sprites to “Might”. 将花精与花妖的攻击类型变为力量 Increased cooldown of Dragon Vein from daily to weekly. 将龙脉的冷却时间变为每周一次 Nerfed the spells Retribution, Celestial Armour and Sylanna`s Bounty. 削弱了报偿、天国护甲与土龙恩赐魔法 Reduced randomness in Fire Wall spell damage variation. 降低了火墙魔法伤害区间的随机性 Reduced mana cost of Regeneration spell and regeneration resurrects dead creatures. 降低了回春魔法所需的魔法值,并且回春魔法现在可以复活战死的单位 Nerfed Warlord`s Fury ability. 削弱了军阀之怒技能 Changed Archery ability to buff the attack value of ranged creature instead of increasing their range. 将百步穿杨技能的效果改为增加远程生物的伤害值 Increased damage of fire magic and water magic ultimate abilities (Fire Mantle, Frostbite). 增加了火系与水系最终技能效果的伤害 Buffed Paragon skill rank effects. 增强了典范技能各级的效果 Changed bonus of “Gladiator Helmet” to 2 Might 角斗士头盔的效果改为 2力量 多人游戏 – Multiplayer [Fixed] Crash in the lobby when the host started the game and one of the players unchecked being ready. 修正了当主机选择开始游戏而玩家尚未准备完毕导致的游戏崩溃问题 [Fixed] Game going OOS (Out of Syncs) when the AI attacked the player during AI`s turn. 修正了各种无法同步问题,以下同 [Fixed] Game going OOS when starting a second match in a row on maps with a Merchant building. 同上 [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases right at the start of the match 同上 [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases after a combat duo to Exp discrepancy. 同上 [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases during the AI`s turn. 同上 [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases duo to Resource discrepancy. 同上 [Fixed] Game going OOS after loading a multiplayer savegame. 同上 [Fixed] GUI being available to early for the Host while still being in AI`s turn. 修正了还在ai回合时,主机就能行动的问题 [Fixed] A bug where some singleplayer Cheat effects could be carried over to a multiplayer match. 修正了单机作弊效果带进多人联机的BUG [Fixed] A possible crash when trying to load a Multiplayer Savegame while not connected to the internet. 修正了在没有连接网络时选择载入多人游戏存档导致的游戏崩溃问题 [Fixed] Adventure map hero tooltip getting displayed during another players combat. 修正了冒险地图英雄标志在其他玩家战斗时消失的问题 [Fixed] Engaging AI players in Sim turns leading to the game getting Stuck. 修正了在同步回合模式时遭遇ai玩家导致游戏卡住的问题 [Fixed] Wrong heroes getting selected automatically in sim turns when coming back from another players combat. 修正了在同步回合下,从其他玩家战斗界面退出后会选择到错误英雄的问题 [Fixed] Wrong heroes getting selected automatically in sim turns sometimes when another player does certain actions 修正了在同步回合想,当其他玩家进行某些特定行动后,会导致错误的英雄被选择的问题 [Implemented] When another player starts a combat in sim turns, there is now a 3 seconds window in which you get notified about it and can still finish whatever you are currently doing. 增加了在同步回合下,当一个玩家开始战斗时,会出现一个3秒的提示窗口,以便玩家结束目前手头上的行动 [Implemented] When a necromancy popup is forced to be closed (for example when another players starts a combat) the remaining stacks are getting automatically merged into the heroes army. 增加了招魂界面被强制结束时,剩余未分配的生物会自动整合到英雄部队中的效果 关卡设计 – Level Design [Implemented] Global Cooling skirmish map 增加了全球冷化地图 [Implemented] Two autumn, Sylvan themed combat maps 增加了两个秋季森林战斗地图主题 Scenario Mirym`s Journey: [Fixed] Obelisk Hunt Quest Markers would not disappear after visiting the Obelisk 米尔林之旅地图:修正了方尖碑狩猎任务标记在访问方尖碑之后不会消失的问题 Scenario The Story of Solmyr and the Efreet: [Fixed] Player can choose Factions for AI 4 索梅尔与火怪地图:修正了玩家可以给4号位的AI选择阵营的问题 机战a 攻略 gba
evil inside 游戏攻略
鬼修女的所有物品没有固定的位置 这是因为鬼修女在玩家的游戏过程中会不断地移动和寻找其他玩家,所有物品位置也会因此不断变化