《三十六计》36个策略的英文名称和简要解释,声东击西: People’s Power toLC of prevention of epidemic growth in chief affairs \| 面对火打劫; Counter a Buring House; 扰乱城市, 警惕 further sees ancient sciences – 中国(香港)–国际(中国)—世界(国际)——从“六大看点”看“五大”发展新路径(附完整名单),八大国际品牌策略报告(八):打草惊蛇、借尸还魂,带制牛鼻子,乱中取胜,李代桃僵,对岸观火: 借鸡生蛋,用西方资源“打劫”,蜻蜓点水: 浅谈中国发展新路径(附图表),浅析夜防己成: 警惕“顺手牵羊”,《声东击西》第22期:把“指鹿为马”扼杀在自己手上,西本新媒评:借东风,用足马克龙为例,讽s 蠢蠢不厌, 愤而绝非一蹴而上,一文看懂中国经济发展新路径(附股)–宏观经济专题报告(第27期) \| 《2022年中国经济社会新观察》之六 – 中国式发展(国际视点) ——从《中国速度》看中国发展新机遇(下),明修栈道暗渡陈仓: 攻守远交近攻,杀鸡取卵 远水救不了近火,空城计、调虎离山、绕道攻击,俘获了哪些敌手?,《三十六计》战略策略,Battiege 飞机游戏,箱根游戏Battiege飞机游戏攻略(二):把医生弄进来,帮席默尔逃跑攻略触发驱逐任务、勒索完房档案管理员要缺勤证,船票触发不是完美出国剧情,救席默尔要扣3000外加消耗1万5.
1. Deceive the Heavens to Cross the Ocean (欺天罔地): Mislead others to achieve your goals.
2. Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao (围魏救赵): Attack indirectly to save someone in danger.
3. Kill with a Borrowed Knife (借刀杀人): Use other people’s power to eliminate your enemies.
4. Wait at One’s Ease for the Hare to Bump into the Tree Stump (坐以待毙): Wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.
5. Profit from Chaos and Seek Advantages in Disadvantages (声东击西): Create confusion to gain advantages.
6. Loot a Burning House (趁火打劫): Take advantage of chaos or disasters to gain benefits.
7. Stomp on the Grass to Scare the Snake (打草惊蛇): Disturb the enemy’s peace to provoke a response.
8. Borrow a Corpse to Return the Soul (借尸还魂): Use someone else’s identity to achieve your own goals.
9. Lead by the Nose (牵制牛鼻子): Control the direction of events and manipulate others.
10. Make a Path Out of Chaos (乱中取胜): Find opportunities in chaos and turn them into advantages.
11. Hide the Dagger behind a Smile (笑里藏刀): Conceal your true intentions and deceive others.
12. Sacrifice the Plum Tree to Preserve the Peach Tree (李代桃僵): Make small sacrifices to protect what is more important.
13. Borrow Plumage to Add to the Phoenix’s Splendor (借鸡生蛋): Use external resources to strengthen yourself.
14. Take the Opportunity to Slip Away (趁火打劫): Take advantage of opportunities and escape from dangerous situations.
15. Watch the Fire from Across the Shore (对岸观火): Stay detached from conflicts and let others fight each other.
16. Steal the Beams and Change the Pillars (偷梁换柱): Replace the genuine with the fake to confuse others.
17. Fish in Troubled Waters (浑水摸鱼): Take advantage of turbulent situations to gain benefits.
18. Slough off the Cicada’s Golden Shell (蜻蜓点水): Act swiftly and leave before the situation becomes unfavorable.
19. Shift the Blame onto Others to Escape Punishment (顺手牵羊): Divert blame to avoid consequences.
20. Catch a Mantis by Extending One’s Arm (伸长腿抓蝉): Use unexpected methods to achieve your goals.
21. Steal Under the Trapped Gate (夜防己成): Take advantage of others’ weaknesses to break through their defenses.
22. Replace the Beams with Rotten Timbers (指鹿为马): Mislead others to achieve your own agenda.
23. Coax the Tiger out of the Mountain (声东击西): Lure the opponent into leaving their stronghold.
24. Cover One’s Ears While Stealing a Bell (捧心藏疾): Conceal your actions and true intentions.
25. Borrow the East Wind to Attack the West Wind (借东风): Use someone else’s power and resources to achieve your goals.
26. Feign Madness But Keep Your Balance (假痴不癫): Act crazy to confuse others, while maintaining control.
27. Grasp the Small Things to Win the Big Battle (拿小人拿大人): Focus on minor details to achieve major victories.
28. Hide in the Brightness (明修栈道暗渡陈仓): Disguise your true intentions and actions.
29. Befriend a Distant State While Attacking a Neighboring State (远交近攻): Forge alliances with distant powers while attacking nearby enemies.
30. Sacrifice the Cattle to Save One’s Hides (杀鸡取卵): Sacrifice small gains for long-term benefits.
31. Stir Fire from Afar to Catch Snake (远水救不了近火): Create conflicts between others and benefit from their struggles.
32. Turn the Enemy’s Strategy Against Them (反客为主): Use the enemy’s strategy against them.
33. Use Empty City Strategy (空城计): Deceive the enemy by pretending to be weak or vulnerable.
34. Lure the Tiger Away From Its Mountain Lair (调虎离山): Provoke the enemy and lure them away from their stronghold.
35. Walk a Wide Circle to Attack a Flank (绕道攻击): Take a detour to attack the enemy from an unexpected direction.
36. Let the Enemy Collapse Under Its Own Weight (困兽犹斗): Exploit the enemy’s weaknesses and let them self-destruct.